Serve & Follow Your New God

🙇‍♂️ Good boy, you found me. Welcome, bitch. I’m a 100% masculine lad’s lad, ex army, Muay Thai boxer. Most importantly, I have godly ambitions.

If you don’t want to read all this, you don’t need to… The summary is simply that I am a beast and I will fucking destroy you. I’m an experienced dom, and I’m godly at it. Limits respected and your mind blown guaranteed. Contact me now, tell me your likes and limits and let’s go.

🏃‍♂️! If you’re not into getting dominated and abused then go back to safety on my homepage.

🍑❓You will find elsewhere that I bottom for guys. I may even be submissive for some. Getting pinned down and fucked senseless is one of the great joys in life. People who don’t know that are just missing out. If someone is godly and impresses me, and tells me to bend over, I bend over. I know what’s good. And it’s that knowing of what’s good that makes me such a perfect dom. I know exactly what makes you tick. The ones capable of dominating me are a rare breed. For those weaker than me (99% of people!), I am the alpha! And I fucking love it.

So then bitch boy! How you gonna serve me?

There is potential for you to be my friend, and also my slave. Rough dominant sex is just sex. I can dominate the hell out of you and also be your friend. Then it’s merely fantasy. It’s a game. You know I don’t want to hurt you, and that I’m actually just doing what you want, and we are both having fun. In reality there is no real domination there, we are both equals. It can get rough, kinky and mean as hell, but when we both bust a nut we are friends again.

That might be exactly what you are looking for, and that’s great, I love it. We can switch between the 2 versions of our relationship – the abusive version, and the friendship version. All you need to know for this is what I’m game for. I like all kinds of kinks. I love adventure. I have done most things, and I am open to any requests at all. I love the most vanilla types of meets and also the most extreme. You won’t bore or shock me. Times of chill are nice, and times of wild madness are nice.

This can go further though. Do you want more than just a game?

This is the rabbit hole for people who want to truly be my beta slave. This stops being a game. This becomes real head fuck ownership. You’re about to enter my real world, no fantasy roleplay.

From here you accept that you are my property. You accept that I will be honest and tell you exactly what I want and what I think of you.

This is where you stop paying for a service. You stop paying to get what you want. You give me your money, time and energy because you want me to give you attention while being my true self. You accept that you only get my attention if you pay up and make it worth my time.

I love escorting, I love getting to know new people, the sex is obviously a part I am only doing for money, but what I like about it is getting to know the person I am meeting. The sex is just the business side of it and the thing that brings us together. I am genuine in how I act around everyone, I don’t pretend to like clients anymore than I actually do. If there is a client I don’t like, I don’t meet them again.

The difference is, when you properly submit as my slave, you are no longer getting that escort who plays the sexual game you want him to. You are getting my true desires. If I’m not in the mood to fuck you then you will just have to get ur kicks by taking my abuse instead. I’ll know you want my dick and my affection, but instead I will give you what I want to give you. If I’m not sexually attracted to you, then I would prefer to spit in your face than fuck you, given the choice. You’ll take that spit right in your face and say thank you, because that is the most you know I want to give you. I would rather slap you than fuck you. And if you can take even rougher than that, then just get more desperate, and I’ll punish you even harder for it.

You won’t make me give in and fuck you just because you beg, you will just annoy me and make me more abusive. So spend your time begging and pissing me off, or spend your time worshipping me and keeping me calm. Maybe I will get horny enough to do something sexual to you, but that’s my choice.

As I said at the start, “I have godly ambitions”. If you want my true self, then you accept that all I give a fuck about is working towards my goals.

What I really want is you serving my progress towards those goals. Luckily for you, I know how to make use of people who are weak for me to help speed up my progress. Most people don’t understand how to take advantage of beta slaves to help serve their goals. The hot guy in an office might notice his work mate seems to fancy him. But he has no idea he can get away telling him to get on his knees and kiss his feet. Then he can tell him to go make him a coffee and the bitch would say yes sir and run off to do it. But I see you. I see that vulnerability, and I am going to take the absolute piss out of it.

There will be times you deserve respect and there will be times you are at your worst and deserve punishment for being such a pathetic fucking pussy.

I am always progressing in life. The world is about to get bat shit insane, and I’m going along for the ride. I’m going to become healthier, fitter, richer, more popular and more powerful as time goes on.

What are you gonna do? You gonna sit around eating shit, doing shit, and being shit, slowly rotting away, or are you coming along for the ride?

Follow as I climb to the top. Serve me as I progress. Be my labourer as I build my castle. Pass me the bricks. Mix the cement. Or just fucking lay there as I take the piss out of your dumb ass.

You can just lay there and take my abuse, that’s fine. You can keep it impersonal and just be my ragdoll, toy and slave. Not even a human, just a victim and a wallet.

Or you can get personal and open up about yourself. Let me get to know you. I’ll tell you what impresses me and what doesn’t.

Tell me about your life, your goals, your failures, your insecurities, your strengths. As we go forward I will pick up on changes, and if you are digressing in life I will fucking humiliate you for it. I will punish you, I will make you suffer. If you are progressing in life like a normal human being!!!.. then between serving me and the abuse, you will be rewarded with things you enjoy. You’ll calm me down and get moments of my passionate side. Your choice. I don’t care what you do. As long as you are serving me, it’s all fun for me.

I know that there are complex reasons people get lost in life, succumbing to harmful addictions, and becoming self destructive. I have compassion in my understanding that it can happen to the best of us, through circumstances out of our control. Still.. I am going to absolutely take the complete and utter piss out of you for every one of your weaknesses. I will punish you for sitting in your self pity and letting the world sit on top of you.

I’ll take advantage of every weakness I find. I’m your accountability in life. Your naughty secret master, giving you purpose and pulling your strings.

You want my respect, and you want breaks from the abuse? Then fucking work for it!

I want you strong. I want you busy earning as much money as possible, so more will lead up to me. I want you full of energy, happy, and always ready to serve. I want your mind full of positivity, and equally full of me. You will be going through life advancing, while also thinking about how what you are learning could benefit me. I want you to be the most useful slave you can possibly be.

My ideal type of slave is productive and business minded. I want people who know the importance of working towards becoming financially free. I want crazy ambitious slaves who want to build an empire. Always evolving.

Free yourself of the dumb shit most people become slaves to in life… drugs dealers, cigarette companies, gambling companies, media companies and their braindead advertisements, social media doom scrolling, news organisations and their pointless clickbait bullshit.

And instead be a slave to someone that actually deserves it. Watch me flex my biceps and drop to your bitch knees. Hand me cash as I spit in your face then get told to fuck off because I’m busy working.

Maybe you don’t want to put in any of that effort though beyond just giving me cash for domination. Maybe you just want to do a dead end job job forever, earning enough to get by while sitting on the floor in your spare time like a fucking slob. You just want a master to make your pathetic life a little more tolerable. Come then. As long as that wallet has enough notes to make you worth my time I don’t care. You’re life’s beta. You’re everyone’s beta. Born to be life’s bitch. I want to literally walk all over you. Spit in your slave face while you’re laid at my feet where you belong.

Kneel and worship me. If your weak ass is too lazy to be inspired by me then just sit there and dribble in awe at your alpha.

The choice is yours. Get to know me and learn the meaning of brain fuck and true ownership, or simply be my mysterious but loyal sub/slave.

Whatever you choose, there are basic things you should be doing as you start out as my slave…

Do you want me to keep spending time as “Max Sail” online, posting domination style posts, and showing off? Then make it worth my time. Contribute to my progression. Send me the fag tax I deserve. Set up a direct debit as a direct line powering up the “Max” version of me. Encourage me to be even more active. Regularly buy the gifts on my wishtender that will help me progress. Share all my posts. Learn how social media engagement works and get my profile seen by more people. Use your imagination and get thinking about all the ways you can serve. Find me new people for me to film with. Learn about good investments you think I will be interested in. Suggest holidays you think I would like, even book them for me in the places you want me to film onlyfans content. I want to travel everywhere.

This is the start of something potentially incredible. The future is going to be wildly incomprehensible. You have no idea.

Serve me. Improve my life. Follow my progress. I’m still a mere human, but one day I will become a god!!! You’re here to help build my heaven. Hopefully you make the most of it and be inspired by me to make your own life better too. If you don’t keep up I will punish and humiliate you for it. Become a part of what I create. Maybe one day you will earn your own spot in the dungeons beneath my castle. You could spend your days serving me as your actual job when I am rich enough to need employees. What better than to have a boss like me? You can stick around after hours and serve the drinks for my sex parties. The possibilities are endless.

If you want to show your interest, or that you appreciate what I wrote here, send me £6.66. Worship your devil master. Send those £6.66’s as much as you like and charge up the demon!

You can send me the £6.66 “Demon Side Booster” gift on my Wishtender. Encourage the dark side as much as you’re brave enough to. You can also send payments here…

PayPal – (send as personal payment, not business)

Revolut – Ask for my @

Bank Transfer – Ask for my details

Amazon – Buy an Amazon eGift Voucher, fill in the email

Contact me, call me master! and tell me what you like 👊

Loads of new pictures being added soon